SOCKTOBER drive tallies 2,000 pairs

Stephanie Buck of Agricultural Logistics displays collections made by the business.
Special to the OBSERVERThe Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation, in colaboration with local businesses, libraries, and individuals, collected socks of all kinds throughout the month of October for their second annual SOCKTOBER Sock Drive.
Socks are consistently among the top requested items at homeless shelters and other organizations serving those in need. An outpouring of support from the community resulted in the collection of over 2,000 pairs of socks.
NCCF brought the donated socks to 12 organizations to be shared with individuals in need. The organizations who received socks for distribution are the Boys & Girls Club of Northern Chautauqua County, Catholic Charities, Chautauqua County Homeless Coalition, Chautauqua County Rural Ministry, Dunkirk-Fredonia Meals on Wheels, Forestville Food Pantry, Outpour Project, Ripley Food Pantry, St, Gianna Molla Pregnancy Outreach Center, St. Susan’s Center, Westfield Food Pantry and the YWCA of Jamestown.
Since its incorporation in 1986, the NCCF has invested more than $17 million in northern Chautauqua County through strategic grantmaking, targeted scholarships, and leadership and community collaborations.
For more information on the NCCF, our grant programs or funds, or to get involved with SOCKTOBER 2022, visit or call 716-366-4892.